510 Roosevelt Avenue, American Falls, ID 83211   208-226-3200  EMERGENCY CALL: 911


Message from the CEO


Here at Power County Hospital District, we understand that healthcare is evolving. The advances in medicine and strides in technology are providing local communities access to better healthcare. It is our desire to provide the best quality care in our area.

Our staff will be here to help you and your loved ones when the need arises. The comfort and care of our patients is our major goal. The Hospital District also desires to provide you with the tools needed to educate and increase your health awareness. Healthcare information is regularly posted and available on this website and our Facebook page as a resource about the District and healthcare for you to explore.  Thank you for your support and confidence in helping us to make local healthcare an option in our community.

Dallas Clinger
CEO / Administrator


Board of Trustees

Power County Hospital District is a County Hospital District that holds county board general elections biannually. Board meetings are open to the public and held on the 3rd Monday of each month at 7:00 pm in the Hospital Board Room, unless otherwise changed by a vote of the board to reschedule.

Board members donate a lot of time and energy to monitor and plan for the best healthcare available to our community. We encourage anyone to contact a board member with ideas for improving our healthcare services. The District Board Secretary is Marie Sorensen.

Brandon Bowen
Ana Rowe
Jeff Trappett
Donna Smith
Eric Sorensen
Susan Love
Donna Permann